Nature Space @ Ars Electronica Linz

Stereospacer: Nature Space will be shown at this year's Ars Electronica in Linz, opening September 5th 2019
Ars Electronica Linz (AT)

Put on your headphones and explore Linz! There's a huge area around the Danube River from the Ars Electronica Center to the Brucknerhaus. You can follow birds, insects, growing plants, roaring thunderstorms and dive deep under water once you cross the river.



More informations / related external websites:
Shared Habitats at

Poetisches Theater @ Tucherschloss NĂĽrnberg

Wundersame Wandlungen ab So, 16. September 2018, 15 Uhr
Renaissance-Garten im Museum Tucherschloss NĂĽrnberg

Ein Hör-Spiel der besonderen Art, ohne Museumsführer oder Schauspieler: Erkunden Sie als Besucher den Renaissancegarten des Tucherschlosses Nürnberg auf eigene Faust. Folgen Sie Ihrem Gehör und werden Sie unversehens Zeuge galanter Flüstereien und wundersamer Geschichten oder ruhen Sie sich auf einer Bank aus, um den Musikanten zu lauschen.

Die Besucher bestimmen mit ihren Schritten den Gang der Erzählung und vollenden sie, jeder auf seine Weise, selbst.


More informations / related external websites:

B_TOUR Walking Tours Festival Leipzig

Phonorama is a three-dimensional listening experience, guiding users through the Clara-Zetkin-Park in Leipzig, where the Sächsisch-Thüringische Industrie- und Gewerbeausstellung, an international trade fair, took place in 1897. It was a large exposition celebrating modern attractions and media of the late 19th century, including a colonial exhibition that served the audience’s craving for exotic sensations. For this tour media artist Michael Markert has created an iOS application which hosts a site-related soundtrack that excavates the exhibition’s topics, locations and motifs. Media artist and director Jens Heitjohann researched the on site history, wrote and recorded the soundtrack.

More informations / related external websites:
Phonorama at


Stereospacer is an interactive sonic exploration platform with stereophonic audio
by Michael Markert

Stereospacer is an interactive sound art project with localised stereophonic audio. The Stereospacer smartphone app enables users to re-discover urban spaces and move swiftly in the realms of hybrid space.


Stereospacer's 3D audio engine has been specifically developed with Core Audio for iOS, as this platform provides low latency audio. I looked into bringing this technology to Android devices, but unfortunately not only are the sensors built in most Android devices quite inconsistent (often a gyroscope is missing that is required to detect the accurate orientation of the device), but the audio engine also has a significant latency. This would decrease the overall quality of the application, that's why it's only available for iOS, at least for the moment.


Stereospacer is part of an ongoing research project that is exploring the relation of spatial sound, navigation and the perception of spatial qualities. The research program is part of the chair of Interface Design at the Faculty of Art & Design and the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany. There will be more informations once the scientific results have been published.


Stereospacer was inspired by many 3D listening devices and sound locators ("Horchgeräte") developed between the end of the 19th century up until World War II. Professor Mayer's Topophone is one of the oldest sound locators.

Image: Mayer (1880) Topophone ›Navigation in Fogs‹. Scientific American, 43(1).